Work Experience – Phill Dellow.

2014-2012 Quality Coordinator Imperial Tobacco NZ Ltd.

Reports: 2 direct Quality Assurance Technicians

Key Responsibilities:

Key Wins:

2012-2008 Quality Services Technician Imperial Tobacco New Zealand Ltd.

Key Responsibilities:

2008-2001 Chef, Various Positions and Places


Working for 6 months on the Deep Sea Fishing Vessel Amatal Enterprise in the Southern Ocean. I was solely responsible for the ordering, menu design and cooking for 6 week trips for a crew of 40.

Maria Pia’s Trattoria – While training under Pia for two years we had the distinction of being the only restaurant to have gained a silver spoon outside of Italy.

Key Learnings:

2000-1994 Laboratory / Development Technician British American Tobacco & Imperial Tobacco.

Responsible for various industry-specific analyses and reporting no longer performed in NZ.

(TAR and Nicotine Analysis for Government compliance testing using Gas Liquid Chromatography etc).


I have also completed certificates or attended courses in:

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