The Phill Dellow Experience

I have always found a sense of humour helps, especially when talking about myself.

I was born, like all people great and small, both good and bad, at a very early age.

I was raised in Porirua City (NZ), but now call Petone, Lower Hutt home.

I have a keen interest in cooking, which I made my profession for 7 years but now cooking has reverted back to the simple and humble joy of enjoying with family and friends.

While a chef, I cooked for lots of movie stars, I cooked on a deep sea vessel in the Southern Ocean and for the only Tratorria to be featured in the silver spoon outside of Italy.

This spurred another love of mine: gardening. Gardening is really the child of my love of ecology and my love of food and goes right to the heart of my musing on "what's in the system? what's outside the system?" - which draws so much else into itself,- I end up astounded at the inter-connecteness of things.

I studied science at school and for many years, (12!), I worked in Quality Assurance at a large manufacturer. I ended up in charge of the mainatence and implementation of many of quality control systems and equipment as a "Non Tobacco Materials Quality Coordinator".

I traveled extensively in my 20's, loved it. Fell in love with all the different ways people see the world, how they react to different and what they think is normal. Also fell in love with my S.O. which moves nicely over to my kids.

Life changer like none I'd known previous in those two words, -"my kids". They mean everything to me. They are my reason, my focus and the center I now orbit. I've done everything I've ever wanted to in this world, set goals, climed mountains, changed bad habits into good, learned hard lessons from even harder people, but compaired with the last three years since Amelia and then Maxwell came along, I relise that all of that previous was just drops in the ocean compaired to what my life is like now.

NAME: Phillip Alan Dellow

AGE: 38


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