The Phill Dellow Experience

`String.Concat (Method)`

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Today I would like to talk about Concating strings.

What is String Concat? I hear you ask - Well is a manner in which two strings can be joined to together as one. Now this isn't any 1 + 1 = 2 mumbo jumbo, no, no real abstraction nesseary here at all. By Contacting two straings together we get what most children believe ypu do when first quizzed on the 1 + 1 =?... that's a bigger thing than you has in the first place.

In this instance 1 + 1 = 11

...not 2, you've been had!

By joining in this way we get "one" plus "one" equals "oneone"

Or "Horse" plus "Donkey" equals "HorseDonkey", not ever a mule.

How do we code this?

Very simply even I would say!

Lets take:

String Alpha="Alpha";

String Beta="Beta";

String D="Delta";

We can Concat by:

Console.WriteLine(Alpha + Beta + Delta);

Which will return:


Or even:

Console.WriteLine(Delta + Beta + Delta + Alpha);

Which will return:


If you would like to Concat unasigned strings, we can slip some spaces in by:

Console.WriteLine(" " + Delta + " " + Beta + " " + Delta + " " + Alpha " ");

Which will return:

Delta Beta Delta Alpha

As Daft Punk was wont to say; "The perfect sound is framed in silence" - which is where I'm heading now.

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