The Problem with Tech World.
Or how to fix humanity
One of the largest problems that I see in the tech world today is the hidding of the costs of the tech market. Whether the pollution casued by the redundancy implicit in modern tecnological design or the hidden carbon costs of cloud storage, the tech world seems to be in love, ('love' like a junkie 'love'), with promoting itself as the answer to everything and not dealing and exposing the true problems and costs that it creates.
In the exact same way that every golden age in the Human's history, the past and fututre of the tech world is shown to be in a narrowed focus, into the benifits rather than the consequences of it's actions.
A very good metaphore of this lack of acknowledging of the bad is the way most people will happily break the law and speed for some small and selfish want, that they describe to themselves as a need. Risking not only there own lives, but the lifes of countless others only to jump on the breaks because they see a speed camera.
This metaphore shows that very nearly all humans will take a chance if they percieve that the benifits of the risky behaviour out=weigh the consequences.
The solution I propose to this is to contained is this very blogpost, to question YOU to take some self awearness and responsibility for your own actions and face up to the fact that everytime you read an email you burn just as much of the environment as a piece of paper does, everytime you buy a nice flashy new piece of tech, you are asking some poor person in a very polluted delta of the pearl river in China to cook it down in a pot so they can tip the slagg off in to the stream their grandparents caught fish in, so they can harvest the few grams of metal back out of the chips n boards
I ask you to no-onger deal with compairing yourselves to other fault-filled-humans, but deal in the honest absolutes that this universe is made from