When I think of the times in my life where you’ve been the happiest, the proudest, or the most satisfied the following values come to mind?
I just quickly have to mention that *some* of the terms in the above list have been mutually exclusive rather than inclusively running in parelle.
Accomplishment, Accountability, Adventure, Challenge, Close relationships, Commitment, Community, Compassion, Competence, Confidence, Control, Coolness under fire, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Credibility, Decisiveness, Economic security, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Environmentalism, Excitement, Fairness, Fame, Free time, Freedom, Friendships, Growth, Having a family, Helping others, Honesty, Hospitality, Independence, Influence, Insight, Inspiration, Integrity, Intellectual status, Introspection, Knowledge, Leadership, Loyalty, Meaningful work, Mentorship, Merit, Money, Movement, Music, Nature, Openness, Peace, Persistence, Personal development, Pleasure, Privacy, Public service, Quality, Recognition, Reputation, Responsibility, Security, Self-knowledge, Self-reliance, Self-respect, Spirituality, Stability, Status, Tranquility, Truth, Vibrancy, Wealth, Will-power, Wisdom!
I would strongly agree with a statement that I try to live up to these values. It's not always possible to be "everything and more", but I whole heartedly think that One can always try to be "everything and more". So that would be a 5 on the scale, 5 for strongly agree that I *attempt* all these things, at all times.
Willpower - I believe in a mind before matter universe; that there is no objective truth in this world; the universe as we know it is an illusion. This illusion is projected from a deeper and more true Reality that our senses cannot begin to fathom but that our Imagination can. Willpower is important in this equation / paragdim as Imagination is a flightly thing that jumps from one angle to another suppose and back down into a spiral without any assistance. Help comes from willpower. Willpower can direct and guide imagination. This allows our minds to contimplate a deeper and more truer sense of reality than is normally availible to the untrained Mind.
- The last thing that someone asked me for advice on was cooking. I gave the advice that I normally give "If you thing it's the right thing to do, give it a go, BUT, remember where you are at, what did you do and what were the results. Next time and the time after, recall what you've did and let those results be your Guide".
How do you feel when you think about your values? Do you think it can help you mediate stereotype threat if you recognize you feel it?
I feel positive when I think about my values as they are by-in-large a positive group of words and values. i.e. Although everything has a dark side, we are not looking at that side of the coin today. I do think that focusing on these positives can help me mediate sterotype threat ifs I recognised and felt it, but I think that this would only come with time and repeated practice.
Can you think of any other exercises you can use to help you when you are feeling down (for whatever reason) at EDA?
I have carried this with me since I read it as a nine year old and it has helped me through many bad patches were I've feared for my life or just needed a boost:
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain